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Useful links and Informations

Assessment Policy

PPS Assement and Tracking Sheet Policy.

PTA policies and procedure

PTA stands for Parent-Teacher Association. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

Visitors Policy

At Phoenix Private School, the safety and well-being of our staff and students are paramount. This policy serves as our commitment to safeguarding all individuals within our premises and must be strictly adhered to by all concerned parties.

Behaviour Policy

This policy is based on the principle that all students should be enabled to take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning to prepare them for independent life, enabling a positive contribution to society and to the wellbeing of the whole school community.

Online Learning Policy

To ensure high quality online learning for PPS students, teachers, student and parents must adhere to the guidelines discussed in this policy. 

SEN Policy

This document is a statement of the aims, principles and strategies for the identification and management of children with especially abled at Phoenix Private School Qatar.

Mobile Phone Policy

We do understand that this is often necessary as students travel to and from school with drivers and need to be able to contact either their parents or the drivers.

PPS Policies Overview

The Phoenix Private School fully recognises its responsibilities to ensure students are in school and on time

PPS Key Stage Values

Perseverance, Honesty, Originality, Enrichment, Nurturing, Inspire an eXcited to learn.

When to keep a sick child at home

Deciding when to keep a sick child at home from school is not always easy. It’s important for children to attend school and for some parents staying at home means missing work. 

School Handbook

At Phoenix Private School we encourage children to be Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors. 

PPS Communication Policy

At PPS we believe in clear communication, and addressing questions, concerns or providing information in a timely manner.

PPS Complaints policy

At PPS we take our stakeholders complaints very seriously, and aim to deal with it swiftly and thoroughly.

Attendance Policy

Regular and punctual school attendance is important. Students need to attend school regularly. The Phoenix Private School fully recognises its responsibilities to ensure students are in school and on time, therefore having access to learning for the maximum number of days and hours. 

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Support Programme Policy

It is intended to provide a consistent support framework and to ensure that all children have their needs met, allowing them to work towards their full potential.

Homework Policy

Parents are encouraged to help guide children with their homework should they need it and give further explanation.

Read Write Pack

The Phoenix Private School is the first international school to receive the Ruth Miskin Training Badge for teaching Read Write with fidelity. It is currently a case study used by the Ruth Miskin team for international schools.  

School Uniform

We expect all our students to come to school neatly groomed and smartly dressed in the correct and appropriate clothing.

How to purchase School uniform

Zaks Trading encourages you to buy your uniform early to avoid the lastminute rush.

Student Term Dates 2023 - 2024

Dates may be subject to change in line with the official holidays in Qatar or MOEHE. 

Nut Free School

It is important that there is strict avoidance to this food in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction, the severity of the reaction that occurs from exposure to nuts is variable, ranging from a mild rash to a potentially life threatening condition.

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